Me and my wife traveled up to Fort Donelson last weekend just outside Dover,TN. I must say it
was impressive. Check out the details of the battle here.
In the distance behind me and the cannon is the Confederate trenches. Beyond the trenches is a mass Confederate Grave.
Here we have the massive 10" Columbiad Gun at the lower battery. This piece of artillery could fire a 128 pound projectile up to 3 miles down the river toward Union Ironclads. Very Impressive upclose!
My name is Brandon Samuels and I really like some of the posts you have on your blog. Since you have an interest in blogging, I thought that you might want to know about a new web site, The idea is to create an interactive historical record of anything and everything, based on specific events that combine to form timelines. We're trying to achieve a sort of user-created multimedia history, in which no event is too big or too small to record. Feel free to create events using excerpts and/or links from your blog. You will generate traffic and awareness of your blog, and you will be contributing to the recording of history.
With your interest in the American Civil War, you should check out this timeline. So far it is a work in progress and we would definitely love for more people to contribute.
Give us a try and let me know your thoughts.
Brandon Samuels
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