Sunday, July 27, 2008

My Civil War Relatives

I had quite a few family members who fought for the confederacy during the civil war. While most of them survived, Several of them did not. In particular two did not. Jason Burleson and John Greene. Both are my great,great,great grandfathers. Both hailed from the Newdale and Arbuckle communities of modern Yancey County NC. They both served in the NC 58th Regiment. This regiment fought primarily with the Army of Tennessee. During the winter of 1862/1863, The 58th was called into action in Eastern Tennessee. While encamped, many of the soldiers contracted diseases which caused death. While not known for sure, It is the belief of my family that both died of illnesses.

Until recently, No one knew of the whereabouts of these two after the war. Several years ago while researching her family history, A woman came across the Delap Cemetery in Campbell County, Tn near Jacksboro. It was discovered that the 58th buried several soldiers in this family cemetery.

The Grave of Jason Burleson(above)
The Grave of John Green(above)